Knowledge Library

Hawai’i Members: Our Care, Our Choice Act Takes Effect in 2019

The state of Hawai’i just became the seventh state in the nation to allow physicians to assist terminally-ill patients in ending their own lives, in a move described by the state’s governor to allow those patients “to make their own end-of-life choices with dignity, grace and peace.”[1] Beginning on January 1, 2019, under the Our Care, Our Choice Act, Hawai’i residents who are mentally capable and suffering from a terminal illness are able to obtain prescriptions for medications to facilitate their death.  HB 2739 was signed into law by Governor David Ige on April 5, 2018, and it is modeled...

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New Alaska Supreme Court Ruling Regarding Ex Parte

New ruling in Alaska restricts disclosure of patient information related to litigation. For decades, Alaska has allowed informal methods of “discovery” (sharing of information) during litigation, including private discussions between defense attorneys and the plaintiff’s treating physicians.  These “ex parte” communications were encouraged by the Alaska Supreme Court, as they facilitated early evaluation and settlement of cases, with a resulting decrease in litigation costs. However, a new ruling by the Court on June 22, 2018, determined that a cultural shift in views on medical privacy warranted overruling this practice. In Harrold-Jones vs. Drury, et al., the Court held that “absent...

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California Providers – Mandatory CURES Reports

As of October 2, 2018, all providers practicing in California must check the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) database before prescribing certain medications, including opioid pain medications. Physicians and advanced practice providers who prescribe controlled substances already must be registered with CURES 2.0, according to state law.  California Health and Safety Code Section 11165.1 requires health care practitioners authorized to prescribe, order, administer, furnish, or dispense scheduled controlled substances to submit a CURES registration application to the Department of Justice before July 1, 2016, or upon receipt of a DEA registration. Senate Bill 482, which was signed...

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Hawai’i Providers: Mandatory Opioid Prescription Requirements under Act 66

MIEC’s member providers in Hawai'i who prescribe opioid pain medications should be aware of a new state law which just went into effect this month. This new law imposes more stringent requirements around chronic pain management, patients who are also taking anti-anxiety medication, and/or patient who are on large dosages of opioids. Specific elements of the law are discussed below. Under Hawai'i Act 66 (17), Relating to Heath, as of July 1, 2018, all providers authorized to prescribe opioids in Hawai'i must adopt a written policy that includes the execution of a written informed consent document when prescribing opioids to...

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