Knowledge Library

Idaho New Law Alert – July 2020

Laws are effective July 1, 2020 unless otherwise noted.   Drug History Review Requirement (effective October 1, 2020) Prior to prescribing a schedule II, III, or IV opioid analgesic or benzodiazepine for outpatient use, a prescriber (or the prescriber’s delegate) must review the patient’s prescription drug history for the preceding twelve months and “evaluate the data for indicators of drug diversion or misuse.” This requirement does NOT apply to prescriptions in a quantity intended to last no more than three days, nor does it apply at the scene of an emergency, at a skilled nursing facility, or in hospice care....

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California New Law Alert 2020

All laws effective January 1, 2020 unless otherwise noted. AB 779 (Low)- Effective January 1, 2021 Acupuncture wall and pocket licenses Licensed acupuncturists must apply to the Acupuncture Board to obtain a wall license for each place of practice and to renew each wall license biennially. They must also carry a pocket license during treatments made outside of the licensee’s place of practice.   SB 697 (Caballero) Changes to physician supervisory requirements of Physician Assistants This law makes several changes to The Physician Assistant Practice Act, including: Replaces “delegation of services agreement” with “practice agreement” (delegation of service agreements in...

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ADA and Service Animals

Title III of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 mandates that persons with disabilities accompanied by service animals be allowed access with their service animals into places of public accommodation, including restaurants, public transportation, schools and healthcare facilities. There is often confusion on exactly what qualifies an animal as a “service” animal, when compared to an emotional support animal or regular pet. The ADA defines a service animal as any dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual,...

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Interpreters and The Medical Practice: What Every Physician Should Know

Revised July 2020 Health care provides have long been required to provide accommodation for patients who have limited language proficiency in English, or who face disabilities including impairment of hearing. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, between 1980 and 2012 the percentage of foreign-born residents who speak a language other than English in their home increased from 70% to 84%. Furthermore, the percentage of residents with some lack of English-speaking ability has remained constant during that time, at approximately 50%. According to a 2014 article in the Disability Connection Newsletter, approximately 57 million Americans face some type of disability. The...

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Reopening Medical Practices after COVID-19: What to Consider

Recent studies show that one in three Americans delayed medical care as they coped with the financial losses and stress caused by COVID-19. As stay-at-home restrictions loosen nationwide and the economy slowly begins to reawaken, health care providers are contemplating the reopening of their practices. To assist MIEC members as they prepare to provide care to their waiting patients, MIEC offers the following recommendations, based in part upon guidelines from federal, state, county, and medical specialty societies. See MIEC’s COVID-19 Resource Center for additional information. Before Reopening: There are several considerations that providers should explore to be prepared and ultimately...

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